Carta aberta a Peter @brokep Sunde / Open letter to Peter Sunde

abr 24, 2015 | Ativismo, Notícias | 0 Comentários


Peter Sunde e Lula em sua primeira visita ao país

Os coletivos Piratas de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro assinam a carta:

[Leia em português após a versão em inglês]


Em inglês


Hallå, brokep!

We are happy that you’re visiting to Brazil once again, but worried at the same time that you may not be aware of all the details and political circunstances regarding the recently approved Internet laws in Brazil, like the Marco Civil da Internet (Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet)

We are saying that because foreign activists often receive firsthand biased information that was molded through the lobbying of large corporations and the Brazilian government. Even tough these groups present themselves as independent guardians of freedom, they are actually sponsored by Google and by the government, a contradiction that results in dubious projects, like the infamous Marco Civil Law.

Julian Assange recently said that Brazil and activists in Brazil should set the stage for initiatives like Wikileaks, so that they could be installed in our territory. But the path we are following, due to the umbilical link between “these activists” / government / corporations is leading us to the other way and thanks to the the Marco Civil, initiatives like Wikileaks and your project of a secure messaging app became illegal.

We do not wish you to be unkind to your hosts. We just want you to pay attention to a few facts.

The Pirate Party of Brasil undestands that the electoral process is an alternative, though not the only, to contribute to the solution of many problems in our society.  

Although they do not represent the primary or unique solution of many of these problems, especially the most urgent and deep, pirate causes and parties can still be of interest for many of the issues found in our current society.

In the absence of a strong performance and mass popular involvement, and with much of the population still struggling for daily survival because of the lack of developed social structures, we still have our agenda usurped by groups with opposing interests – large corporations and opportunistic lobby groups, benefiting from all its power of advertising to maneuver public opinion and transfigure the struggles according to their interests.

We would also like to invite you for a different event involving independent activists and members of the Pirate Party here in Brazil.

Article about the unconstitutionality of Marco Civil:



The articles 13 and 15 of Marco Civil violate the constitutional principles of the Presumption of Innocence and Proportionality, and affect the privacy and freedom of expression of citizens.

Under the current rules, for example, it’s possible to save the records of telephone user connections – for investigations. But companies can only save the contents of those conversations (the popular “wiretapping”) AFTER a court decision. 

In the case of the Internet however, the Marco Civil states that service providers retain guard access connection logs for at least a year, and applications, for at least six months, establishing a different surveillance standard from the previously adopted in traditional communication systems.

In practice, this means that on the Internet, every citizen is being “wiretapped”. It’s as if everyone is under the possibility of a investigation, regardless of whether they are charged with a crime or not.

It is urgent that associations, activists and collectives come with a unconstitutionality lawsuit in the Supreme Court to suppress such items from the Marco Civil.

The justification of the legislature is that guard access records is a mutual guarantee for both the user and the service providers, and it is important for illicit investigations within the Internet, because it facilitates the identification of users responsible for these practices . 

The first thing to consider is: why are all treated as primary suspects in the Marco Civil, while the Federal Constitution assures us that we are innocent until proven guilty?

Aware of the consequences of their actions, a person who practices virtual crimes, with some technical knowledge can easily avoid much of the record of barriers using “disguise” systems, leaving the average user (usually lay) the burden of constant surveillance. 

Thus, a large proportion of crimes committed within the network, such as pedophilia, fraud and money laundering, are made by people who know the system and will strive to avoid the guarded way.

Moreover, such crimes are necessarily based on any material base (for example: money is stolen from someone, a child is exploited by someone, etc.), leaving other avenues for research.

In Germany, a similar Marco Civil law has been implemented for a year, after which the authorities decided that these new mechanisms havent had the slightest usefulness in solving crimes.

For other harmful behaviors such as moral damages caused by third parties, it is given the same treatment as the offensive or defamatory content, determining that content is blocked. In these cases, do not justify the application of record keeping for all users, given the lesser gravity of these offenses.

Thus, the drastic reduction of privacy can not be compared to the very low real possibility of help in solving crimes. If you have the rights, which are constitutional guarantee to all citizens, without setting up a real gain security for all. 

At the time of weigh between the individual and the collective, we are left without one or the other.

After nearly a decade of activism, and is here included the formation of the Pirate Party, the European Union ruled invalid the Data Retention Directive proposal in 2006, which sets a testimony of the social failure of this type of initiative.

Regardless of similar experiences around the world, it must be remembered that the Constitution is supreme and no infra standard could confront what is contained in it – especially as regards the protection of people.


Olá brokep!

Estamos felizes que você esteja visitando o Brasil, mais uma vez, mas ao mesmo tempo preocupados que você possa ignorar os detalhes e circunstâncias políticas acerca das leis de Internet aprovadas recentemente no Brasil, como o Marco Civil da Internet (Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet)

Dizemos isso porque os ativistas estrangeiros geralmente recebem informações em primeira mão, tendenciosas,  moldadas pelo lobby das grandes corporações e do governo brasileiro. Ainda que esses grupos apresentem-se como guardiões independentes de liberdade, eles são, de fato, patrocinados pelo Google e pelo governo, uma contradição que resulta em projetos duvidosos, como o infame Marco Civil.

Julian Assange disse recentemente que o Brasil e os ativistas no Brasil devem preparar o terreno para iniciativas como o Wikileaks, que poderiam ser instaladas em nosso país. Mas o caminho que estamos a seguir, devido à ligação umbilical entre “esses ativistas” / governo / empresas está nos levando para um caminho inverso e, graças ao Marco Civil, iniciativas como o Wikileaks e seu projeto de um app de mensagens seguro tornou-se ilegal .

Não queremos que você seja indelicado com seus anfitriões. Nós só gostaríamos que você prestasse atenção para esses fatos.

Nós, do Partido Pirata no Brasil, entendemos que a via eleitoral é uma alternativa, embora não a única, para contribuir na solução de diversos problemas da nossa sociedade. Apesar de não representarem a solução primária ou exclusiva de diversos desses problemas, principalmente dos mais urgentes e profundos, o panorama de sociedade que temos hoje possui questões que podem, sim, se beneficiar ainda de pautas e partidos piratas. 

Na ausência de uma atuação forte e com envolvimento popular de massa, com grande parte da população ainda lutando pela sobrevivência cotidiana diante da ausência de estruturas sociais desenvolvidas, temos ainda nossa agenda usurpada por grupos com interesses antagônicos – grandes corporações e grupos políticos oportunistas, se beneficiando de todo o seu poder de propaganda para manobrar a opinião pública e transfigurar as lutas de acordo com seus interesses.

Por isso, gostaríamos de convidá-lo para um evento diferente que envolva ativistas independentes e membros do Partido Pirata aqui no Brasil.

Segue artigo no site do Partido Pirata, ‘Inconstitucionalidades do Marco Civil’:


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